

Page history last edited by Reedcope 16 years, 2 months ago

Welcome to JINS 362, Extraterrestrial Life

Truman State University


Course Overview

This course studies the nature and history of the debate over the existence of extraterrestrial life, from Greek antiquity to the twentieth century. Topics include:


  • The origins of the Copernican Principle from 1540-1800
  • The search for life on Mars, 1895-2008.

  • The Origin of Life

  • The search for extraterrestrial intelligence (SETI) and the modern debate. 


Why this Wiki? 


This is a test project for using a wiki as a collaborative learning tool. It's a high-tech variant of class participation/discussion where the course goal is to create documents that are created by everyone in the class. Don't worry--there's no way you can break anything. If you want, play for a while in the sandbox to see how you can create content.


Course Documents


JINS 362 Class Notes

Class Presentation

Final Group Position Paper on Extraterrestrial Life


All other documents are located on the U: drive.

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