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August 28: Ancient and Medieval concepts of Plurality
September 2: The Copernican Principle, Part I
September 4: The Copernican Principle, Part II
September 9: Extraterrestrials and eighteenth century astronomy
September 11: Extraterrestrials and the Enlightenment
Discussion 1: The Early history of Copernicanism
September 18: The early nineteenth century
September 23: William Whewell and the denial of plurality
September 25: Pluralism defended: the late nineteenth century
September 30: Alfred Russel Wallace
Discussion 2: The nineteenth century
October 2: The rise and fall of the canals on Mars
October 14: Mars meets the Space Age, and the Viking landers, 1976
October 16: Martian meteorites in the Antarctic, 1996
October 21: The Search Continues, 1997-2004; Falsifiablity and verifiability
Discussion 3: Mars
October 23: Panspermia; the Oparin-Haldane Hypothesis
October 30: The Biologists speak
November 4: Thinking about improbabilities
November 11: Scaffolding, Chance or Design?
Discussion 4: The Origin of Life
November 13: The SETI Program—optimists and pessimists
November 20: The Fermi Paradox, part 1
November 25: The Fermi Paradox, part 2
December 2: The Fermi Paradox, part 3
December 4: Is the principle of plenitude defensible?
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Class Notes Page
Class Presentations
Introduction to the Final Group Essay on Extraterrestrial Life
Part 1: Plurality From Ancient Times to the 18th Century
Part 2: The 19th Century
Part 3: Mars
Part 4: The Origin Of Life
Part 5:SETI, Fermi and the Anthropic Principle
Part 6: The Principle of Plentitude
Part 7: The Goldilocks Enigma
Final Essay Conclusion
Solutions to the Fermi Paradox
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